The project management is trying to give concrete answers and solutions to all issues concerning a project from the beginning of its conception as an idea or need, to the time of replacement, abandonment or destruction. Include the completion of technical bulletins, membership of a project financed programs, the formulation and evaluation of implementation methods, assessment of costs and time, program quality, health and safety program, risk management, management of design teams and groups for the project. The management of a project after its completion and until you complete the planned lifetime and this is an administration in which the engineer will speak and participate.
Planning together the project and put commonly accepted rules of management.
So the work becomes a servant of his master and not risk the latter to become the servant of the first.
Have your projects to engineers in charge of project management, design and execution. Our experience gained over the years in small and large projects, each gave us something that we will use for the next. Read our pages for the projects handled successfully and consult us.