The planning permission is the process established by the state for both private and public projects to ensure the application of technical rules to ensure the public interest. These rules are not made on the basis of restricting the rights of property, but according to the mutual respect of each property to the neighboring and friendly. All of us is to apply all these rules, as well as to judge them and to adapt to the needs of each period in which we live.

Energy saving project
THE ENERGY SAVING PROJECT CONTINUES In what can now entachoun and individual apartments blocks, no conditions (ie autonomy) and also the price band as the limit is now 2.100 € rather than 1.750 €. Also eligible expenditure means and the work necessary for the proper implementation of interventions.
Our agency takes full drafting the proposal - and of course supply a Certificate of Energy Efficiency under the program specifications and implementation of interventions tain better cost and quality construction